Guestbook Archive
May, 2012
i miss him. we had a lotta tuesday morning breakfasts toether.
May 07, 2012 22:54 Posted by skip heller
January, 2012
I stumbled across this website randomly after reading a Wikipedia page about Larry. I have heard many stories of Larry and my grandpa James Crume who I believe were dear friends. I believe my grandpas love for music must have been influenced by Larry's talent. My grandfather always played Herb Albert for my mother who in turn played them for me :)
January 28, 2012 1:57 Posted by Allee Sand
November, 2011
In a sentence; God bless Larry Levine. I think that one of the greatest accolades that could ever be given to Larry comes from Herb Alpert himself when he said that Larry is the greatest partner that anyone could possibly have. I grew up with A&M Records, and I will never leave it behind.
November 03, 2011 16:02 Posted by Gary Corfitzson
June, 2010
I have wonderful memories of visiting my cousin Lynn and Larry. I was six months shy of my tenth birthday. I can't believe this visit took place in 1970. The kid from Jersey got to swim in a heated pool. Zounds!
I recently saw Lynn at a family reunion. It's a shame I only get to see such a beautiful person every now and again.
My very best to Lynn. Wishing her peace and joy.
June 04, 2010 10:30 Posted by Sue spivak
February, 2010
I always feel a great loss every time some one of enormous substance passes. Especially since I usually never get to meet them as is the case with Larry, until it's too late. I'm thankful for this dedication site to him allowing me to have access to the people who knew him best. While reading articles here i've discovered the similarities of he and I's approach and thought's to recording music and humility of working with others while constantly worrying about making the best record for the client .
To Lyn Levine and family i'm truly sorry for your loss
Larry was a great person and a great influence to all.
February 02, 2010 0:27 Posted by Jeremy Crowe
May, 2009
Just wanted to say that Larry looked like a man of wonderful kindness & depth. His look is at once penetrating & deeply involving. Obviously, an exceptional guy. I'm sure he's happy in spirit.
I'm a long-time Pittsburgh broadcaster & a huge fan of Pete Jolly. I played & praised him endlessly when I did a music show on the Armed Forces Network in Europe years ago. Best to all. Hank
May 03, 2009 19:25 Posted by hank baughman
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