Guestbook Archive
July, 2008
By way of introduction I am an audio engineer from the Detroit, Michigan area.
I met Larry some 35 years ago when he came to United Sound in Detroit, MI. with
Brazil 66 as I remember. (I was a former Motown Engineer and we traded stories
about his Gold Star sessions and the Motown sessions while we worked at United.) When I worked in LA it was usually at A&M because of he great relationship we developed. I worked on part of the "East Coast" session elements on the "Wings"
project thanks to Larry.
Today I opened MIX magazine to discover that Larry has been "called home."
What a shock and a loss to us all in the industry. Larry was a humble giant in the recording business. We all owe a debt to Larry and I do personally for God to have
given me the honor of knowing him. May he rest in the peace that only God can give.
He will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
Ed Wofrum
July 21, 2008 17:39 Posted by Ed Wofrum
My sincere condolences for your loss.
Larry and I attended an NCO school at Camp McGill in Japan, the course was intended to make instructors out of junior NCOs. I was very shy and never would have made graduation without Larry's help and guidance, he was a very gifted public speaker. We were not in the same troop but would meet from time to time in the Bn. area he was always a pleasure to talk to. In Korea Larry was the Bn. Communication NCO and I was a Plt Sgt. on the line and again we would get together from time to time. He did a great job and was a fine Soldier.
I was able to get his e-mail address and we exchanged e-mail from time to time. I will inform the 7th Cavalry Association. Larry was well respected and his name was mentioned quite often at Reunions.
Al Clair
July 15, 2008 11:29 Posted by Al Clair
June, 2008
Lyn, just to say to you and everybody who reads this: I feel lucky and proud to be able to contribute to build this website as a tribute to a great person like Larry, who left us such beauties.... He truly deserves to stay in our minds. Love, Jos
June 16, 2008 14:32 Posted by Jos Megroedt
My family would like to offer our sincere condolences on Larry's Passing.
He was a wonderful and loving man .
Michael and I were roomates for many years and thru this I got to see the amazing relationship and closeness that they shared. His love for his family was unsurpassed. Larry will always live on in our hearts.
Much Love
June 13, 2008 12:05 Posted by Miriam Davis
June 12, 2008 8:12 Posted by JOHN BOLLINGER
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